Wednesday, October 14, 2009

wednesday | october 14 | 2009


Fairy Tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.
- G.K. Chesteron

the king of beasts sings
a world into being.
from the mud come creatures
to join the chorus of the ages.
the son of the emperor-over-the-sea
from the beginning walks among them.

it isn't long (as with all good stories, of course)
before evil sings with discordant contempt
for that which rises from glory, claiming
the created with cruel, cold winter.
even father christmas gets it rough.

but amidst the frozen fields and righteous
turned to stone, the great lion is on the move.

he establishes the fighting few as friends;
he knows their names. they are badgers, they
are beavers, they are mice, and they are men
whose hope remains in the deepest magic.

we find ourselves among them
in their joy and in their pain.
we assert with all the faithful
that, while good, he isn't tame.
we find, too, that we've joined
their singing at the feast,
and, thus, have become willing
to die with noses pointed east.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! You used my favorite quote from GK!!!!!

    This is amazing. Truly. I love the way it lightly flows, like we're running to catch up to Aslan, running to see the beauty of Narnia. Love it.
