Monday, October 12, 2009

monday | october 12 | 2009


three distinct lamps
yet i see
one distinct light.

i guess it
makes sense that
they would work

together, and not
insist that any
glow is more

or less spectacular
than the other.
it's just curious.

together they light
the wall, never
overpowering one another,

but existing together
separately, but in
a simple unity.

it makes sense
in a somewhat
dimly lit room.

i guess it's
different when cosmic
law is involved.

there is some
saint whose name
escapes me (sorry,

buddy, it's nothing
personal, but really
you're hardly the

point anyway. come
to think of
it, you'd probably

just as soon
i forget your
name anyway) who

said, "i see
One Light, and
i see Three

lights." i guess
the Trinity can
do whatever It

(They?) wants. new
mathematics is hardly
an issue for

the One (Three?)
that speaks and
things become. at

any rate, three
Lights in perfect
harmony light the

path, and we
must walk it,
allowing ourselves, perhaps

forcing ourselves, to
live, maybe even
bask, in the

indescribable warmth and
glory of Father,
Son, and Spirit,

for by Their
Light all things
will be seen

both now and
ever and unto
ages of ages.


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