Friday, October 23, 2009

friday | october 23 | 2009

the problem with a liberal education.

why are so many things
so interesting for so many
reasons that are so intricate?
i think frost was conservative
to speak of only two paths.
it's hard to make a choice
that spurns a million others.

playing the same token, it could be
philanthropy, or it could be
modern dance, or it could be
knife-throwing. no matter what, the problem
is the same: what will it be?

stumbling through a dimmed intellect i know
that one yes is a thousand no's. so how
does one choose when cancer needs healing; when
the great american novel needs writing; when
souls need saving; when society needs leading;
and when girls need songs written about them?

who am i to exclude anything
from the mosaic of possibility?


  1. way to describe the dilemma that is my life. great words.

  2. girls do indeed need songs written about them. it's possible that healing cancer is more important. then again, maybe not.
