Thursday, October 13, 2011

wednesday | october 12 | 2011

narrow stairs.

save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved.
- st seraphim of sarov

the stairs are narrow, and it is clear
that i must make this ascent alone.
each step leads to the next, but
i must stand in solitude with sure footing
if i am ever to reach the top.

too long i have attempted to peak the perch
with the weight of someone beside me –
the fathers would likely call this "vainglory."

but this upward path is mine alone
and to pass over its passage is to perish in
the most detestable of deaths. this
Way of Life is response to that call which
echoes from the pinnacle, and i,
with redeemed resolve, must reach to
take hold of Him who has
taken hold of me.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Caroline. Now all it needs is a poem and it's complete. October-at-Six, eh Gonzalez? More like October-at-whenever-I-feel-like-it.

    Keep up the good work my friends, this blog is my respite.
