Sunday, October 24, 2010

sunday | october 24 | 2010

just outside.

how frequently i find myself in the
dark room of my heart, looking upon
a brightly illumined world, just on
the other side of this wall. there,
no doubt, birds fly freely into a
setting sun, finding their way back
to hungry beaks left waiting; water
falls, dashing itself against rocks,
impetuously playing its thunderous
symphony; trees sustained by the
final breath of the season shed the
remnants of summer and begin their
waiting game until they wake once
more when winter meets its
snowy grave. it's a wide world, yet
this fortress somehow holds allure
incomprehensible. the wind passes
through the leaves and their easy
percussion bids me join. somewhere
children discover themselves brave
to the risk of, in socks, standing up
on slides; doubtless, this need for
this adventure is lost on their mothers.

and i, supposedly wiser than they, choose
the comfort of retreat, of isolation. the day
outside beckons, and i strain against hermitic
inclination in attempt to hear its gentle call.
perhaps i have enough courage to crack
a window and let the autumn breeze hit
my face and empower me to open the others
before looking for the door.

1 comment:

  1. i saw this on facebook and i think it is beautiful. this entry in particular, and the whole idea of the project. you are inspiring me to do something similar. i compliment you on the art you've made and wish you the best in continuing to make it.
